Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Guess What's New?


          Last weekend during the first, maybe second, snow of the season you  could find Jay, Carol and the Towners moving furniture!  The People’s Market has a new look.  The People's Pantry is official, and has a location of it’s own.  We are pretty excited.  We’ve got Berry Farms Sunflower Oil, PS salsa, Jams and Jellies from Gleb Farm.  You’ll find eggs again, and Cheese.  Fingerlakes Granola, Sugarbush Maple Syrup, and Pembroke Honey grace the shelves.  We continue to stock Dog Treats, and Verve, a healthy alternative to the energy drink market. 
Stop and say hello, and get a gander of whats new and enticing  at the People’s Market!