Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Interview with The Lansing Star

Our interview with Dan Veaner of the Lansing Star went well and we were able to share our vision for the People's Market with him. He was interested and quite impressed with the progress of the place. Funny he wondered how we did it with our jobs, Engels Accounting, Angel Tree Farm Alpacas and all that we have on our plate. ..I had to laugh to myself as I said that we don't sleep! (Kinda funny seeing as I am "posting" at 1:21 am!)
Seriously though, we are excited and invested in making this business a success for: ourselves, the vendors/artisans, Engels Accounting, Angel Tree and mostly for the town of Lansing and the outlying areas. We have faith that this is going to be a great business for all of us. We are quite literally "stepping out in Faith...and a little blood, sweat and tears as well!
We have been fortunate to have the support of friends and family to help make it thus far....and a few borrowed antiques and cupboards from my dad's collections :-) We consider ourselves blessed.

Dan laughed when I said we don't sleep but was interested in what we were thinking for the People's Market of Lansing. We believe in the local talent and want to get it out there for the people. He asked for a list of vendors/artisans that will be displaying their work. If this is you...please get us your forms and sign on so that we can share your name and work with him.
We will continue to keep the locals and artisans informed. If you have questions about the market or are interested in being considered as a vendor or artisan for the market you can contact us at
Keep watching...everyday is an adventure at The People's Market as it evolves!