Saturday, March 12, 2011

Counting tax season and the Grand Opening!

The People at the People's Market of Lansing have been hard at the store and the office!
Jay is working away night and day at his job, the farm... as well as Engels Accounting! He has been taking on new tax clients, working on audits as well as his present clients material they have brought in. While doing this he has been meeting new people who wander in the check out the new store! Come wander in and try out his comfy chairs and ask away... you know, those tax questions that have been heavy on your mind!
Engels Accounting is a one man show and you are sure to get personal attention. Which is what we all want right? And when it come to your taxes what we don't the IRS' attention. Well then, Jay is your man. Come in and see him! (There is a back door entrance to Engels Accounting or you can wander through the store to the inside entrance)