Monday, June 13, 2011

New Items By Daisy Lamont Soaps!

There is no way to do the items on the shelf by Daisy Lamont Soaps justice. You really do have to stop and smell the soaps! Yes...there are some new scents on the Daisy Lamont shelf...every heard of Guiness and Honey scented soap? Well don't eat it even though it sounds good enought to eat. Your Dad would love a bar of this tucked in his Father's Day Gift!  

Gardeners Blend? Basil Pear? Hawaiian Ginger? Oatmeal Milk and Honey? They are sound great but more importantly SMELL great! Stop by for a whiff!

A new product by Daisy Lamont is the wonderful sugar scrub cubes! You will have to see these new treats to believe them...stop by for a gander!

... there are always new items appearing at The  People's Market"!