Tuesday, July 26, 2011
FRESH...local...grass fed chicken!
We are continually trying to meet the needs of our customers and anticipate what they are looking for in a local store. We own an alpaca farm and raise free range egg-laying chickens. This has been one of our best selling items. Farm fresh eggs. People want FRESH...me too!
Well we added a new fresh item to the store today. Quinn's Irish Hill Farm...Tom and his wife own, grow, manage and prepare their chickens themselves. He raises his chickens on grass and uses organic techniques to bring you the freshest chicken broilers that you will ever taste. Each chicken is labeled with the weight and the slaughter date. You you know it's fresh! No hormones...no antibiotics...no growth enhancers...processed on their farm...so come on in and pick our your chicken for dinner! (Reasonably priced at $3.75/lb.)
For more information on their farming techniques go to http://www.quinnsirishhillfarmcom/