The People's Market is now carrying products from Schoolyard SugarBush...they will have several different sizes of decorative Maple Syrup bottles that are great for the holidays... as well as Pure Maple Cream, jugs of Maple Syrup, and Maple Candy.
Don Weeds (Dad) stopped is to drop off the items and we had a nice visit and talked of running a business in "the family". (They also own and run New Hope Mills Pancakes). We were encouraged when we met him that they too run a business with primarily their family members (and in our case vendors and family members) running it. It is hard at times but very rewarding! He told us funny stories of family members "hiding" the Maple Cream in the fridge so the other family members couldn't find it! I nicely asked him to get a little more out of the truck because I was going to buy one of them myself!
We are glad they will be offering their items here at The People's Market of Lansing. To learn more about Schoolyard Sugarbush go to their website at . Don said they would be able to offer and honor "special orders" through The People's Market should a customer want a special item in a specific bottle (light, med or dark maple Syrup) etc...They would just need 1-2 weeks notice. We look forward to bringing you Maple Syrup this season, Welcome Sugarbush!