Saturday, July 9, 2011

What's New?

Well, it was a beautiful Saturday, the sun was shining and photographer (and vendor!) Matthew Binkewicz stopped in to drop off a few new items. He replaced some things with a few canvas' he had recently created of the old Ludlowville school in Ludlowville. Gorgeous! Just Gorgeous! They won't be around long so stop in and appreciate these incredible photographs in color AND sepia!
He has been dabbling and has come up with some beautiful small framed color photos of his work. They are perfect little pictures that could be used as a great small gift. Almost like a shadow box picture...and reasonably priced at $9.95! (Yes, you CAN afford nice pieces of art at The Market!)
While here he also replaced a few of his paperweights pictures with new photos as well.
Remember to stop in because you just never know what you'll find by the various vendors! Nice work Matthew!