It has been a quiet but enjoyable day at the Market. I have had a few wanderers and they are a constant reminder to me that life is short and we need to take time to "wander". People are beginning to wander in more regularly. A sweet older woman was casually walking around the store when I overheard her talking to herself...she said "I like this store". It made me smile I must say! I think it was because it brought back memories of old times for her...handmade soaps, knit items, jam etc...It was so sweet.
As they left a man stopped to tell me he was taking some things to the dump..he had an old singer sewing machine and was wondering if we wanted it? I of course said sure. He went on his was. I set the old sewing machine out by the old washing machine...what next?
A friend recently gave me a sign that simply read "simplify". Maybe that's what we need to do...slow down and simplify.
I have been working the last three days for my son Tyler who is working at Empire Farm Days with a first it was with regret I would say...I HAVE to work. But I have enjoyed my days meeting new people, talking and even had a long conversation with a vendor of ours who knew my Grandparents, grew up around the corner and I just realized lives in the same condo right NEXT to my Uncle. What a small world. We forget this when we run from place to place with our busy lives...with no time to connect.
That is what our hope and enjoyment is from the People's Market. Meeting people, bringing people together... Another man stopped by today, he came in and asked if we had any antique bottles? On his way out he recommended we change the name of the store because he thought it was a supermarket...(Many do I must admit!) I simply replied no that it is more like a flea market, a farmers market...a People's Market for the people. we are not changing the name of the store.
(About 20 years ago my husband and I...actually I bought the People's Market sign at an auction for $10 and my husband said "what are you going to do with that?" I am sure I must have replied "I don't know"...well I didn't then....but now 20 years later it is hanging in our store. Everything has a purpose, a plan. That sign was meant to hang in the store. Therefore we are The People's Market of Lansing.