Matthew Binkewicz of The People's Market has offered to run a workshop on August 20th with the focus being photography and the Ludlowville falls area. We will meet at The People's Market at 8:45, leave by 9 and take a walk through the eLudlowville falls area (We should return by around 11:00). He will tell us a little history about the area as well as give us a few tips on photographing your favorite spots. Matthew has beautiful prints of the Ludlowville Falls area in The People's Market and is gracious enough to share his knowledge and experience with us. Please call the Market (533-1012) to be put on the list for the walk. A 5$ fee will include the tour, photography tips, a bottle of water and a small snack bag of Kathy's Granola from the Finger Lakes Granola Co. which we sell here at the Market. It should be a fun day to we hope you will join us!